Our Range
 General Information
 Days/Hours of Operation
 Holidays/Severe Weather Conditions
 How to Find Us
 Rifle Rental
 Pistol Safety Course
 Range Fees and Prices
 Range/Classroom Rental
 Coyne Park Rifle and Pistol Range site copyright © 2013, 2017.
  Contact Us

The Range is open to the public on a limited basis, See Days & Hours of Operation


Greetings and Welcome

The Coyne Park Range is an indoor, 51 foot, 7 port shooting range conveniently located in southeast Yonkers. It is a public range open to recreational shooters and law enforcement personnel. Our range accommodates most pistol caliber handguns as well as .22 caliber rimfire rifles, and carbine rifles chambered for pistol calibers. No magnum calibers or steel case ammunition may be used at this range.

We do not take reservations during public hours. We accommodate everyone on a first-come, first-served basis.

We welcome visitors and we will be happy to answer your questions about our range and recreational target shooting.

You must provide your own licensed handgun(s). NY State Law does not permit persons without a valid NY State Pistol License or Law Enforcement ID to possess or shoot a handgun. Pistol Licenses from jurisdictions outside of NY State are not valid in NY*.


We do not sell firearms of any kind.


The Coyne Park Rifle and Pistol Range is owned and operated by the City of Yonkers, Department of Parks, Recreation, and Conservation


Travel directions to the Coyne Park Range

*Except for HR218 qualified retired LEOs